Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Out Of My Window.

 I am going to tell you about the "Out of my window". Out of my window is the first major global poject of Highrise, a many-year, many-media collaborative documantery experiment at the National Film  Board of Cananda, directed by Katerina Cizek. If you want to visit it go to

 Our class chose each person in the site and I chose Zanillya in Amsterdam. First, I will compare and contrast her life and mine, and then I will compare and contrast Amsterdam with Korea. Even if it is boring please understand. I tried my best.

 I will first start with her life. She makes music, writes poetry, and acts. Her dad was interested in arts and was a member of the band Boney M. Her dads music is disco. However, her mucis is more likely world music. She speaks five languages. Dutch, English, Papiamento, German, and Spanish. Her mother is a roma gypsy. She lives in Bijlmermeer, an ambitious housing experiment, that began in 1966. It was suppossed to be Europe's most completely functional satellite community. However, it failed. She moved there when she was 15. And she loved the place. The airport is near because her dad had to go to other countries bacause of  the band. The airport is 15 minutes away form her home. A plane once crashed to an apartment and killed many people. To be exact, In 1992 an Israeli cargo plane crashed into 2 highrises in Bijlmermeer, killing 43 people. Her dad believes in reliegion but not just one. He thinks that there is one god and everybody is just nameing the god diffrenetly.

 My life. I live in Korea(of course!) Goyang city. There are many highrises in there. There are more then 80 highrises around my house and it's mostly 15~20 stories high. My school is 10 minutes away by walking and my elementry school is 8 minutes by walking. My dad works at the Sejong university and my mom is just an ordinary mom. We lived in Miami Florida for 3~4 years and visited many other countries, such as Italia, Austria, England, and many other countries. (After the camp, I'm going to Germany!) Because of this, my brother like speaking in English and looks more like an American. I like making piano music with my brother, and making all kinds of stuffs with any materials. I can only speak two languages. Korean, English, and a little bit of Spanish.

 Compare and contrast
1. Zanillya can speak 5 languages, Dutch, English, Papiamento, German, Spanish. However. I can only speak two languages.
2. My place didn't had any plane incidents but her place had a terrible incident! 43 people dead!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm sorry~!

I'm sorry that I couldn't finish the blog! I'll try to finish it soon!  

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Article about Global Warming

Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. On the one hand, warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the on going buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. On the other, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global economic slowdown.
Global talks on climate change opened in Cancún, Mexico, in late 2010 with the toughest issues unresolved, and the conference produced modest agreements. But while the measures adopted in Cancún are likely to have scant near-term impact on the warming of the planet, the international process for dealing with the issue got a significant vote of confidence.
The agreement fell well short of the broad changes scientists say are needed to avoid dangerous climate change in coming decades. But it laid the groundwork for stronger measures in the future, if nations are able to overcome the emotional arguments that have crippled climate change negotiations in recent years. The package, known as the Cancún Agreements, gives the more than 190 countries participating in the conference another year to decide whether to extend the frayed Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 agreement that requires most wealthy nations to trim their emissions while providing assistance to developing countries to pursue a cleaner energy future.
At the heart of the international debate is a momentous tussle between rich and poor countries over who steps up first and who pays most for changed energy menus.
In the United States, on Jan. 2, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency imposed its first regulations related to greenhouse gas emissions. The immediate effect on utilities, refiners and major manufacturers will be small, with the new rules applying only to those planning to build large new facilities or make major modifications to existing plants. Over the next decade, however, the agency plans to regulate virtually all sources of greenhouse gases, imposing efficiency and emissions requirements on nearly every industry and every region.
President Obama vowed as a candidate that he would put the United States on a path to addressing climate change by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollutants. He offered Congress wide latitude to pass climate change legislation, but held in reserve the threat of E.P.A. regulation if it failed to act. The deeply polarized Senate’s refusal to enact climate change legislation essentially called his bluff.
But working through the E.P.A. has guaranteed a clash between the administration and Republicans that carries substantial risks for both sides. The administration is on notice that if it moves too far and too fast in trying to curtail the ubiquitous gases that are heating the planet it risks a Congressional backlash that could set back the effort for years. But the newly muscular Republicans in Congress could also stumble by moving too aggressively to handcuff the Environmental Protection Agency, provoking a popular outcry that they are endangering public health in the service of their well-heeled patrons in industry.

 I was trying to find an article for the debate class and I found an article about the global warming! It's the same topic with my chain writing too! What do you guys think about it? 

History Presention

Old age in the Greek history
Jun Seok Kim
1. The definition of "old age"
In the old times, there wasn't an advanced technology on medication so human's normal dying age was about 50~60 if not less. So you can think that the average old age in the Greek history is about 40. You become a parent at the age of about 30. So you become a grandparent in the age of 60. So most of the people in the Greek history can't see their grandchildren. So in the Histories and the Iliad if the character has a son or daughter that is more than 10 years old, then that person is very old already.
2. Who are the old people in the books.
(One main old person and their wife from each book and the oldest in the book Iliad)
The Iliad
The Histories
King Priamos. About 60 years old. He is known to have 40 sons and daughters. He had a grandchildren called Astyanax. Hector's son. Estimated age 60
Darius, father of Xerxes. His son Xerxes was the king of Persia and was about 20 years old. Estimated age 50
Nestor. He is the Gerenian charioteer. Son of Neleus. Ruler of Pylos. High reputation for wisdom. (oldest person that appears in Iliad.) According to the introduction. Estimated age 60~65
Atossa, wife of Darius and mother of Xerxes. Estimated age 45
Hecabe. One of the wives of King Priamos. Estimated age 55
3. What is the job for the old people in the war?
Main characters.
Nestor- Doesn't go out to the battle and fight. Stays at the command center and gives advices and other useful information.
King Priamos- Doesn't go out to the battle and fight. Stays at the Trojan fortress and commands the Trojans as the king of the Troy.
King Darius- He doesn't go out and fight either. Since he is the king, he only commands. Unlike Leonidas...
The normal old people at that time.
There aren't any normal people coming out from the books.
They probably went out to the battle too. Because both books are about war, and they needed as much soldiers they can have. So according to my predict, I think that the old people in the war were probably all sent to the battle.
(I did not include female because they didn't had a job in the war anyway.)
Conclusion on the job of old age people.
The high positioned people normally doesn't fight in the battle. They usually command the soldiers. Or just participate on the meeting. However, the old citizens had to go to the war and fight for their country.
4. The difference between the old people in Histories and the Iliad.
I don't think that there are differences between the old people in the Histories and the Iliad. The jobs in the war for the main characters and the normal old people were same. I tried to compare more but there wasn't enough information about old people. So I conclude that there aren't any difference between the old age in the two books
The Iliad
The Histories
The main characters job in battle
Doesn't fight in the battle only commands.
Doesn't fight in the battle only commands.
The normal old people in battle
They fight in the battle.
They fight in the battle.
Standard old age
No exact age
No exact age
The book Iliad: (main characters)
The book Iliad: the whole story
The book Histories: 202~ 228 and book seven~ book nine
(I didn't had much time to read )

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ode poem (Green Card)

Dear, Green Card
  Green, how wonderful you look.
I have never met you, but I will be glad to meet you while in GLPS.
Though I have met one of your family, I wasn't satisfied or felt very great.
I have met the yellow card, and I'm not looking forward to meet the others.
I have only seen you by eyes, and never grabed you in my hand.
Every time I see you, I see you given to somebody else.
So I wonder whether I will ever see you again...

  You make me feel happy every time I see you.
And I wonder how I would feel when I ever got to grab you.
I shall jump with joy and pride for given you.
But I wonder whether I will even see you again...

  I was so close to seeing your family the red, luckily I was able to escape from the red.
Your other families are so easy to meet, and yet you are to hard and still hard to achieve.
I have also met your friend the EOP once, and he gave me stress and made me feel sad.
All your other friends are so mean and cruel and you are the only one that makes people good.

  I will be glad to meet you when some other day, and still wonder will I ever see you again... 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Presentations in history

Foolish (Stupid) Patroclus Jun Seok Kim
Introduction on Patroclus
-Patroclus is the son of Menoetius.
-He is friend of Achilles.
-He came from Opous.
-He is an attendant.
-He is a spearmen.
-He kills Serpedon, son of Zeus.
Summary of the part when Patroclus comes out
The Greeks need help from Achilles so the they decide to send Patroclus to persuade Achilles to fight for the Greeks once more. However, Achilles disagrees and refuses to fight for the Greeks. So Patroclus asks Achilles permission to borrow the armour and his Myrmidon soldiers. Patroclus goes into the battle and fights with the Myrmidon soldiers. The Troys soon retreats and Patroclus kills many Troy warriors. He kills Serpedon son of Zeus too. However, he killed too many Troy warriors that Apollo son of Zeus warns him that the Troy will never lose and go retreat to the Greek side. Patroclus listens to Apollo's warning and heads back to the Greeks. However, Apollo helps Hector kill Patroclus. Before he dies, he prophecies that Hector will die by Achilles
Relationship with other characters
Achilles- They are best friends.
Hector- Patroclus hates Hector. Because Hector killed many Greek people (including him).
Menoetius- He angered Zeus and was struck down by a thunderbolt. He is father of Patroclus.
Patroclus's personality
-He is brave.
-He is foolish and also stupid.
-He strongly believes that the Greeks will win.
-He listens to people and do what they tell you well.
-He cares the Greeks so~ much.
-He isn't good at persuading or convincing people.
-He is a good spearmen.
1. He is brave.
1. He is a coward.
2. He cares the Greek.
2. He doesn't care the Troy people.
3. He is very foolish and stupid.
3. His brain works really good when not necessary. Only when he is in trouble or about to die.
4. He is not protected by a god but works hard at battle to prove that he is worthy.
4. Because he is protected by a god, he doesn't work hard at anything.
Comparing Patroclus and Paris.
Why is Patroclus foolish and stupid?
People might say that Patroclus is very brave and heroic. However, Patroclus looks different to me. Since Patroclus was a friend of Achilles, he should have thought that Achilles is the only person who can defeat the Troy. However, he tried to defeat the Troy without Achilles. He knew that he would probably die by Hector but he went into the battle. He was very stupid. He lost his life for almost nothing. He only killed the other Troy warriors and didn't kill the main person who was killing half of the Greek warriors by himself. I think he went into the battle so he could help many Greek warriors but I don't think losing his life was worth trading with the Troy people he killed. He died as a hero but as a fool too.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wcky Web Tales based on Llamacorn.

An Odd Animal

The Llamacorn is an animal that has blue fur with yellow spots on its ears and toes. Its tail is shaped like a(n) apple pie which it uses to attract hungry people. An adult Llamacorn may weigh more than 46159215 pounds and stand over 99999991 feet high.
The Llamacorn can be found only in Ghana and Italia. Although its favorite food is Russian Bear Salads, it also likes to eat Rocky Mountain Deers. If you ever see a(n) Llamacorn, be sure not to ever sing “Upside Down.” That song makes it wild and crazy. Instead, give it a few Russian Bear Salads and be on your way.

The Camping Trip

It was a cold, freezing night. Llamacorn and Rusty punched around the campfire, shrieking songs and eating Pumpkin pie.
Soon they got tired, climbed into their Llama-skin tents, and eventually fell asleep. Suddenly, they were both wide awake. There was a loud eating sound outside the tent. Rusty grabbed Llamacorn's tounge and held on for dear life. Llamacorn started chanting, “Lions and Russina Bears and Rocky Mountain Deers, oh my!” over and over again.
Then into their tent fell their friend Marshutka. Marshutka had been thirsty and had gone into the house for some soju and beer. Now the soju and beer was on the floor of their tent. But they all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.
It turned out to be a very stupid camping trip. And maybe next time they'll even leave Rusty's backyard.

A Crazy Night at the Library

One night something really spooky happened at the library. The characters in the stories started vanishing from their books!
Rusty climbed into Charlotte's Web and started Punching each other with Wilbur the Pig! Llamacorn wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Boston!
The craziest part was when Inca girl wandered into Winnie the Poo and said, “Dogmatix, I don't think we're in Florida any more.”
See full size imageThen Lady Jane Gray walked in and said, “Oh!!!!!! Everybody back in place!”
The characters ate around the room. Just in time! The students in grade one came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.

That's for deleting my wacky web tales the last time Ms.Positive!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

diamante poems!

high, windy
flying, sky diving, gliding 
airplane, tornado, shark, wave
 swimming, scuba diving, surfing
deep, freezing

 funny, creative
enjoying, running, playing
playground, game, job, money
working, shouting, boring 
busy, angry

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" I think the monk was trying to teach was two things. One is that you should always think how the others feel when you are about to do something. The other one is about life and death. He tied his young studentwith a rock so the student will know how it feels like to be tied by a rock. He also said to his young student that if one of the creature the student tied up is dead he would have a stone tied with his soul forever. At first, when the young student sees that the fish is dead he doesn't feel anything. Probably because he thought that the fish is just a small creature. Then he sees that the frog is not dead. He was probably reliefed that the frog was still alive. However, when he sees that the snake is dead with blood all over it, he cries in sorrow. It's probably because that he realized what death was and felt very guilty that the snake was dead.
 I have some experiances like the young student too. Long time ago, I loved catching insects. My problem was that I don't let the insect 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Writing Chain "Global warming must be stopped."

This writing is about why the global warming must be stopped. However, I believe there are many  problems in the writing. In fact, this writing doesn't even make sense! First, the main topic is why the global warming must be stopped. However, the writing didn't have any information about the global warming and why it must be stopped. 80% of the writing was only about the solutions of  how to stop the global warming. And the writing is disconnected. The first writer (which is me.) was talking that people should act first. However, just after that, the second writer is talking  about what the government should do. The second writer is talking completely opposite of the first speaker! Also, the second writer said that there are two steps the government should do. She(or he) said the first is educating students, and the second is campaigns. However, the third writer did mention educting children but did not mention the campaigns. If I was the second and third writer, I would write about why the global warming must be stopped and introduce what the global warming is. I would also write about the campaigns too.
 Global warming must be stopped. Lots of people talk about the global warming. And they always say if we don't stop using cars, then we will soon meet doomsday. However, people are only saying that they should stop global warming. They never actually act. People shouldn't wait for tha others to start on stopping the global warmingTo make people actually behave, there are two steps to the government should do. First,  educate how serious global warming is. Second, make the educated people do campaigns. 
 To educate people, You must start with children. Our future depends on the students now. So the schools need to put some more effort on educating students about important