Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" I think the monk was trying to teach was two things. One is that you should always think how the others feel when you are about to do something. The other one is about life and death. He tied his young studentwith a rock so the student will know how it feels like to be tied by a rock. He also said to his young student that if one of the creature the student tied up is dead he would have a stone tied with his soul forever. At first, when the young student sees that the fish is dead he doesn't feel anything. Probably because he thought that the fish is just a small creature. Then he sees that the frog is not dead. He was probably reliefed that the frog was still alive. However, when he sees that the snake is dead with blood all over it, he cries in sorrow. It's probably because that he realized what death was and felt very guilty that the snake was dead.
 I have some experiances like the young student too. Long time ago, I loved catching insects. My problem was that I don't let the insect 

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking blog! Try to include videos and pictures to jazz things up!
