Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Presentations in history

Foolish (Stupid) Patroclus Jun Seok Kim
Introduction on Patroclus
-Patroclus is the son of Menoetius.
-He is friend of Achilles.
-He came from Opous.
-He is an attendant.
-He is a spearmen.
-He kills Serpedon, son of Zeus.
Summary of the part when Patroclus comes out
The Greeks need help from Achilles so the they decide to send Patroclus to persuade Achilles to fight for the Greeks once more. However, Achilles disagrees and refuses to fight for the Greeks. So Patroclus asks Achilles permission to borrow the armour and his Myrmidon soldiers. Patroclus goes into the battle and fights with the Myrmidon soldiers. The Troys soon retreats and Patroclus kills many Troy warriors. He kills Serpedon son of Zeus too. However, he killed too many Troy warriors that Apollo son of Zeus warns him that the Troy will never lose and go retreat to the Greek side. Patroclus listens to Apollo's warning and heads back to the Greeks. However, Apollo helps Hector kill Patroclus. Before he dies, he prophecies that Hector will die by Achilles
Relationship with other characters
Achilles- They are best friends.
Hector- Patroclus hates Hector. Because Hector killed many Greek people (including him).
Menoetius- He angered Zeus and was struck down by a thunderbolt. He is father of Patroclus.
Patroclus's personality
-He is brave.
-He is foolish and also stupid.
-He strongly believes that the Greeks will win.
-He listens to people and do what they tell you well.
-He cares the Greeks so~ much.
-He isn't good at persuading or convincing people.
-He is a good spearmen.
1. He is brave.
1. He is a coward.
2. He cares the Greek.
2. He doesn't care the Troy people.
3. He is very foolish and stupid.
3. His brain works really good when not necessary. Only when he is in trouble or about to die.
4. He is not protected by a god but works hard at battle to prove that he is worthy.
4. Because he is protected by a god, he doesn't work hard at anything.
Comparing Patroclus and Paris.
Why is Patroclus foolish and stupid?
People might say that Patroclus is very brave and heroic. However, Patroclus looks different to me. Since Patroclus was a friend of Achilles, he should have thought that Achilles is the only person who can defeat the Troy. However, he tried to defeat the Troy without Achilles. He knew that he would probably die by Hector but he went into the battle. He was very stupid. He lost his life for almost nothing. He only killed the other Troy warriors and didn't kill the main person who was killing half of the Greek warriors by himself. I think he went into the battle so he could help many Greek warriors but I don't think losing his life was worth trading with the Troy people he killed. He died as a hero but as a fool too.

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