Monday, January 17, 2011

Wcky Web Tales based on Llamacorn.

An Odd Animal

The Llamacorn is an animal that has blue fur with yellow spots on its ears and toes. Its tail is shaped like a(n) apple pie which it uses to attract hungry people. An adult Llamacorn may weigh more than 46159215 pounds and stand over 99999991 feet high.
The Llamacorn can be found only in Ghana and Italia. Although its favorite food is Russian Bear Salads, it also likes to eat Rocky Mountain Deers. If you ever see a(n) Llamacorn, be sure not to ever sing “Upside Down.” That song makes it wild and crazy. Instead, give it a few Russian Bear Salads and be on your way.

The Camping Trip

It was a cold, freezing night. Llamacorn and Rusty punched around the campfire, shrieking songs and eating Pumpkin pie.
Soon they got tired, climbed into their Llama-skin tents, and eventually fell asleep. Suddenly, they were both wide awake. There was a loud eating sound outside the tent. Rusty grabbed Llamacorn's tounge and held on for dear life. Llamacorn started chanting, “Lions and Russina Bears and Rocky Mountain Deers, oh my!” over and over again.
Then into their tent fell their friend Marshutka. Marshutka had been thirsty and had gone into the house for some soju and beer. Now the soju and beer was on the floor of their tent. But they all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.
It turned out to be a very stupid camping trip. And maybe next time they'll even leave Rusty's backyard.

A Crazy Night at the Library

One night something really spooky happened at the library. The characters in the stories started vanishing from their books!
Rusty climbed into Charlotte's Web and started Punching each other with Wilbur the Pig! Llamacorn wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Boston!
The craziest part was when Inca girl wandered into Winnie the Poo and said, “Dogmatix, I don't think we're in Florida any more.”
See full size imageThen Lady Jane Gray walked in and said, “Oh!!!!!! Everybody back in place!”
The characters ate around the room. Just in time! The students in grade one came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.

That's for deleting my wacky web tales the last time Ms.Positive!!!

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