Monday, January 10, 2011

Writing Chain "Global warming must be stopped."

This writing is about why the global warming must be stopped. However, I believe there are many  problems in the writing. In fact, this writing doesn't even make sense! First, the main topic is why the global warming must be stopped. However, the writing didn't have any information about the global warming and why it must be stopped. 80% of the writing was only about the solutions of  how to stop the global warming. And the writing is disconnected. The first writer (which is me.) was talking that people should act first. However, just after that, the second writer is talking  about what the government should do. The second writer is talking completely opposite of the first speaker! Also, the second writer said that there are two steps the government should do. She(or he) said the first is educating students, and the second is campaigns. However, the third writer did mention educting children but did not mention the campaigns. If I was the second and third writer, I would write about why the global warming must be stopped and introduce what the global warming is. I would also write about the campaigns too.
 Global warming must be stopped. Lots of people talk about the global warming. And they always say if we don't stop using cars, then we will soon meet doomsday. However, people are only saying that they should stop global warming. They never actually act. People shouldn't wait for tha others to start on stopping the global warmingTo make people actually behave, there are two steps to the government should do. First,  educate how serious global warming is. Second, make the educated people do campaigns. 
 To educate people, You must start with children. Our future depends on the students now. So the schools need to put some more effort on educating students about important 

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