Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ode poem (Green Card)

Dear, Green Card
  Green, how wonderful you look.
I have never met you, but I will be glad to meet you while in GLPS.
Though I have met one of your family, I wasn't satisfied or felt very great.
I have met the yellow card, and I'm not looking forward to meet the others.
I have only seen you by eyes, and never grabed you in my hand.
Every time I see you, I see you given to somebody else.
So I wonder whether I will ever see you again...

  You make me feel happy every time I see you.
And I wonder how I would feel when I ever got to grab you.
I shall jump with joy and pride for given you.
But I wonder whether I will even see you again...

  I was so close to seeing your family the red, luckily I was able to escape from the red.
Your other families are so easy to meet, and yet you are to hard and still hard to achieve.
I have also met your friend the EOP once, and he gave me stress and made me feel sad.
All your other friends are so mean and cruel and you are the only one that makes people good.

  I will be glad to meet you when some other day, and still wonder will I ever see you again... 

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